Created by Matt Parmenter
"Crykill" Created by Barry Mulvihil & Matt Parmenter
Alter Ego: Aaron Cromwright
Occupation: Industrialist, Superhero
Known Relatives: none living
Group Affiliation: Union of Peace
Base of Operations: New York, NY
Simon Wentworth who would become Crypeace was born in the Nineteenth Century to
a wealthy, powerful family. The violence, wars, and constant turmoil of mankind
sickened him and he sought someway to make a better world. So, he began to study
White Magic to learn to heal and find ways to solve the world’s ills without
violence. He became well known for being a peace maker and finding way to avoid
confrontations. He did, however, discover that there was evil that could only be
dealt with in the language that it reveled in and if necessary, he mastered the
arts necessary to handle violence as well. Widely known as the one who cried for
peace in the face of war, he became known as Crypeace. At the turn of the
century, there was a gathering of all the mystical and superpowered individuals
of the time called the Century Challenge and the winner was to receive special
abilities. Pitted against Jaime Benedict, a.k.a. the Ugly American, in a
survival challenge in the Sahara Desert, Benedict knew the location of the Nexus
of Mystical Vortices and hoped to kill Crypeace there. His plan failed in that
Crypeace was merely trapped in the Nexus and that his treachery was discovered
causing his disqualification. Aaron Cromwright was the son of the wealthy owners
of a hotel chain and after their accidental death, ended up living with their
family friends, the extremely wealthy Talis’. Aaron and their son, Jason,
became like brothers, but Jason had some issues. Jason Talis was bright, but
embittered at the resentment he felt from his parents due to his birth being
unplanned and sought acceptance elsewhere, eventually leading him into the dark
arts and mysticism. He discovered the location of the Nexus of Mystical Vortices
in the Sahara Desert and the legends that it could grant the right person untold
power. Inviting some college friends, including Aaron, to go on a safari, his
actual intention was to sacrifice them to open the Nexus. The plan worked to a
point. He succeeded in opening the portal, but the power was far too
overwhelming for him to control. When he opened it, he also tore open the prison
holding the spirit of Crypeace. Disoriented as he was, he knew the danger of the
portal and temporarily merged with Aaron who was laying there unconscious and
closed down the Nexus. Jason was suspended in the air by crackling mystical
lightning is swirls of smoke and dust, screaming maniacally. Before Crypeace had
the chance to deal with him, the screams intensified to the point that Crypeace
was knocked unconscious from the sound and Jason hurtled through the air
propelled by his own seemingly endless scream. When he mercifully passed out and
crashed to the ground, he had traveled almost back to civilization. Aside from
bumps and bruises, he was fine and unaware of Crypeace. He began to learn to
master his newly gained sonic powers. While he took off on his own, his parents
handed control of Talis Industries to his old friend, Aaron Cromwright, and
disowned the black sheep of their family. Jason discovered a crew of pirates
operating from a secret base on Devil’s Island in the Bermuda Triangle and
decided that it would be the perfect headquarters for him to use in his quest
for world domination. Seeing Jason become Shatter and realizing the danger he
presented, Crypeace appeared to Aaron in his spirit form and asked to share his
body to combat the evil that had been unleashed. Aaron accepted and they became
as one. Using the backing of Talis Industries, they founded the team known as
the Union of Peace to answer the challenge of Shatter and his Attackers.
Crypeace comes off as a very regal man, dedicated wholeheartedly to his belief
in a better world. Aaron simply continued on his path toward being a responsible
and ethical businessman, taking great pride in his association with Crypeace and
the good works they can perform