The Keeper of Infinite Earths - Honor League
Created by Matt Parmenter
Alter Ego: N/A
Occupation: Guardian of Arcadia
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Honor League
Base of Operations: Mobile
Hern is, as near as he can figure, immortal. Hern is a near mythical level
barbarian warrior similar to the legendary Green Knight of Earth history. Not
long after Pomage seeded Arcadia, Hern joined a group of godlike heroes that ran
one of the northern countries. As the years passed, he heard of the members of
the Honor League, a group of heroes who simply did good without being worshiped.
He was intrigued with the idea and investigated them. He was suitably
impressed with the group and decided to join the Honor League to defend the
entire world of Arcadia.
Hern wields his ax full out, according to the level of his opposition. Once he
tests your mettle, he adjusts accordingly with only one possible outcome in his
mind, his opponent's defeat. He lives by a warrior's code of honor and will
stop at nothing to defend his home world.