The Keeper of Infinite Earths - Super Allies
Created by Matt Parmenter
Melt Down
Alter Ego: Ethan Matthews
Occupation: Super Hero / Scientist
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliation: Super Allies
Base of Operations: Mobile
Ethan was a nuclear scientist working at a power plant for the Nazis in New
Jersey. They were working on a ‘special project’ that went awry and caused a
meltdown. Blaming it on the resistance with the government controlled press,
they evacuated the area for miles around. Every time they sent in a team to
inspect the area, the team would disappear without a trace. Although everyone
else in the facility died, something about the special project affected Ethan
and he transformed into a gray skinned, white haired near-giant. Becoming bored
with venting his anger on the soldiers that came in and intruded on his
solitude, he decided to go contact the Super Allies and use his powers to gain
revenge on the Nazis. He joined the team and they codename him Melt Down.
Grumpy, mean, angry, and generally sullen due to being a radioactive freak, he
lives to vent his rage on those he blames for his condition, The Nazis.